Living together before marriage is now a thing that is rampant in our society today which is mostly seen in the higher institutions, married in school but single at home...

Living together before marriage other wise known as cohabitation is an arrangement where two or more people who are not married but live together.. They are often involved in a romantic or sexually intimate relationship on a long_term or permanent basis...

Living together outside of marriage has become more popular and the numbers of those engaged in this has increased nearly twenty folds in Nigeria according to research...

Now,the common reason we hear people give, is that living together is an effective way to test a potential marriage to determine if the couple are compatible but we seriously need to ask our selves that is living together before marriage actually a great idea for couples who are intending to have a healthy, lasting marriage?.. Another question we need to ask is that is living together before marriage actually helping in building a stronger and healthier relationship?

Have even heard some people say there is no difference in living together before marriage nd marriage...of course not living together before marriage is never anything like marriage... They are two different relationships entirely..

Infact  a sociologist who goes by the name James Q Wilson explains that "scholars has increasingly regarded living together as a substitute to being single and not an alternative to marriage...

Another thing is that what people don't realize is that the difference in COMMITMENT between the two types of relationships creates important,measurable differences...


Those who live together tends to
1.have a less healthy nd strong relationship..

2.leads to breakup...

3.they tend to engage in physical violence and emotional abuse...

4.lead to sexual infedilty..

5.A decreased of ongoing happiness and fairness in their relationship..

And in addition, guys who live with a lady  before marriage are less likely to help out in house chores whereby living the lady all alone in doing everything...

Another question people also ask is that why would you marry someone without seeing how well you might live together first? Tho the question seems reasonable but the answer is certainly not what people expect because those with the experience in the their past can have a higher rate of divorce than married couples without the experience....

And when breakups or divorce happens, it harms the ladies more deeply than the guys because a lady who never had the experience of living with a guy before marriage is always much stronger and stable in her marriage than the one who has experienced it in the past...

One thing again is that ladies who has moved in with a guy before marriage gets FALSE HOPE because they believe the relationship is heading towards marriage meanwhile the guys are likely to be just having fun,and they are happy to keep it that way which I have seen so many cases like that... It is the ladies that are hoping for something that is likely not to happen(hoping for an engagement ring some day)...

Another thing is that in that kind of relationship,there would be an UNEQUAL COMMITMENT the guys in cohabiting relationships like this tend to be less committed to the relationship and less dedicated to their wives even after they eventually get married...

Conclusion: know that living with someone before marriage is an efficient way of getting yourself a spouse who is

1:less committed to your marriage

2:is more likely to be unfaithful to you

3:has violent behaviour towards you...

4:is not assisting in the house chores...

5:is less practically and emotional in support of you...

But if u want to avoid all of these and have a healthier stronger and stable relationship,u should stay away from living together prior to marriage..