As long as you are breathing, challenges are definitely unavoidable and like I saw on a friend's WhatsApp status earlier today,  "what you see as a challenge is an opportunity someone somewhere hopes to have" as we proceed, keep this quote some where in your mind, it'll be handy at some point in this write up.

This write up is basically dedicated to student. I'm a student and I know how it feels having to read hard, results get uploaded and boom! Our expectations are shattered!. You are a student, you read hard, early mornings and late night classes back to back! You came out of the examination hall shining your teeth like you just got a message from the dentist that they are up to 32...but then after some weeks..the 32 teeth became scarce like a snail hiding in its shell. The results have been released and they turned out to be really unfair to you. I know this is not supposed to be funny but then let's make a joke out of this. If you would agree with me, there are different levels of failure due to how we define success as students. We have those on a 3.4 struggling to coss to 3.5 but you know, marginal scores won't get a divorce on their portal, we have scholars who see a "B" as a stain on their portal and we have those pleading for a "let my people go" that's a D! Some are on probation, some have the fear of spilling, while some are on the verge of giving up!

One sad thing is - when things happen, we can't go back to change them except there's a miracle! These categories exemplified above, if you've never experienced any as a student, then trust me, they can be really really don't want to experience it! but then I'll quickly like to remind you of something... Yes, you reading this piece!
I need not remind you of those seeking the privilege of being in the four walls of a higher institution, some are homeless, some struggle to feed, not to talk of education. You had an F and you think that's the end of the world? No it's not. As long as there's life, there's hope. No it's not over until you say it's over! As quoted earlier, "what you see as a challenge is an opportunity someone somewhere hopes to have" If you are in 100L, you have about 6 semesters left, same applies to those in higher levels, there's still a chance to rise, some people wish to be in your shoes, always remember that there's still hope. Truthfully, we all have different capacities to absorb challenges when they barge into our lives and no one is asking/expecting you to just come out of it, take your time, think through, there's strength in you to overcome this,  bring it out.

 Now, it has happened, I mean the disappointment in result, so, what's next? Two things are involved, it's either you let depression press you or you press depression, yes. "You can be a depression to depression" now, this is how depression presses you; it plays inside of your head like this -  "so that's how I failed that course upon all the reading, I practically got all the answers, I don't think I'm interested in getting good grades any longer, I'll learn a trade, I don't think I can ever get the grades I desire, everything always turns out to be like this, I'm so dull, see my bestie, she practically cleared all the papers and we read together for that matter for the same exam, I was even teaching her in the exam hall 'school na scam'!" Hmmmm, this is how depression finds its way into your heart and builds a mansion in your mind! The next question is - how do I press depression? When such occurrences happen, first don't has happened already! Seek advice from people who have gone ahead, you are not the first person to have such a grade in that course and you would definitely not be the last. You have to seek advice from the seniors so you can also be that senior who will one day encourage someone who finds his/herself in the situation you are in presently. On the oath to pursuing something good, there are lots of ditches, when you find yourself in one, don't cry and ask yourself how you got in there, how you don't deserve to be in there, instead figure a way to come out, "Press Depression!"

Within you is a great person who awaits manifestation; the level of your greatness equates the level of your challenges. When you love someone, trust follows, when you are with that person, fear disappears. Go to your Creator. Permit me to write to you that; Before you gained admission, Your creator has known  what you would graduate with and how everything will go. Your true value is defined by you and no one/nothing else. That vision is still achievable if you keep believing in You... Cheer up and don't give  up, God's not dead! Still hold on to Him and watch Him do His thing! NOW, WHAT DO YOU THINK?

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FB: Prince Peter Adewumi